In the midst of an apocalyptic city lives an old man Mariano, obsessed with the idea of transforming his home into a womb-like cave. So, he spends his days distilling and drinking alcohol extracted from old bread, all by himself. One day siblings Lucio and Fauna find his place and ask him for shelter. In return, they accept helping him create his cave. As the work progresses, Mariano shares with them strange rituals that give rise to a disturbing sexual relationship and a dynamic in which dark and destructive instincts emerge.
- Country:
- Meksiko , 2016
- Group:
- Frontiers
- Duration:
- 80’
- Director:
- Emiliano Rocha Minter
- Screenplay:
- Emiliano Rocha Minter
- Cast:
- Noé Hernandez, Diego Gamaliel, María Evoli
- Festivals:
- 2016 Roterdam, Nojšatel, Montreal, Ostin, Sidžes, London, Milano, Čikago, Strazbur, San Sebastijan, Bruklin
- Filmography:
- 2016 Tenemos la carne / We are the Flesh / Mi smo meso
- Cinematography:
- Yollótl Alvarado
- Editing:
- Yibran Assuad & Emiliano Rocha Minter
- Music:
- Esteban Aldrete
- Producer:
- Julio Chavezmontes
- Production:
- Piano
- Awards:
- 2016 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival - Best Actor
Time: 22:30
Price: 300 RSD
Dom omladine
Time: 14:30
Price: 300 RSD
Dvorana Kulturnog centra
Emiliano Rocha Minter is a young interdisciplinary artist born in 1990 in Mexico City. He studied Visual Arts at the National School of Art and Engraving La Esmeralda.
He began his filming career at age 16, and has been involved in more than twenty films altogether as photographer, producer and director of photography. Emiliano has been a frequent collaborator in Canana, Diego Luna and Gael Garcia’s production house. We are the Flesh is his first feature, which was premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
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